Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hey to anyone who looks at my blog I haven't been reporting on cars but I'm back with reviews on the Evo 10 as well as the upcoming version of the possible hybrid Evo 11.
First and for most we all know that Mitsubishi and Subaru have been in competition with each other in their release of their Impreza STI and Lancer EVO editions. I used to be a huge fan of Subaru in their earlier models especially the famous 22B STI only released in Japan, although their current editions of hatchback and designs have not been that popular in my standings. Especially in the movie: FAST AND FURIOUS, I felt that it was a waste to include the STI in the movie, but hey thats my opinion. Anyways they have announced that they will be releasing a new Sedan STI edition but I'm still not convinced on the path they chose with the STI.
The EVO editions have always been a favorite in my mind and the 10 has definitely won me over whether its the new aggressive style and look or specs under the hood this car definitely pushed me to appreciate EVO's even much better. 291 bhp with 300 ft-lbs of torque packed in just a 2.0l turbocharged engine, the EVO is definitely a bang for the buck. Coming in either MR and GSR editions with the cost of 33,000 - 38,000 the EVO is affordable and highly regarded in its resale value.
Everyone always teases about the Big abomination on the back of the Evo aka its Wing but I personally think thats what the EVO and STI have been known for their spoilers, it also helps in reducing drag as most of you know. Reaching 0-60 in 4.88 seconds I have had the opportunity to drive this machine and I can say its almost as responsive and quick as the new 3-series BMW's. The most impressive points being the computer portion of the EVO where it guides you in all actions taken by your car, almost as what you will find in a GTR.
With the release of the FQ-400 Evo 10 is now bringing even more speculation in the Japanese power house of cars. This new beast is now planing to give the GTR a challenge with a lower price and having competing specs. I personally think the only car that would take the "Godzilla" aka GTR's crown will be a new Supra or NSX. With an added 109 bhp and a awesome aggressive look from the back and front of the car its a monster to look at. Costing almost as much as the GTR a wopping +$78,000 and touching 0-60 in less then 3.9 seconds its an improvement in the already superb EVO 10.

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